Monday, May 30, 2011

Day 2!

Today we had some ups and downs as we explored Rabat! But we are quickly getting the hang of being here and the kind of culture the Moroccans live in. Here is a summary of our day.

- Speed walked our way into the Medina to try to find the CCCL, but we got lost! Road signs are invisible here.
- We got scammed by a fake tour guide when we visited Kasbah des Oudaya :( He just kept following us, and explaining things to us even when we said no! At the end, he asked us for lots of money...But Papa Wang came to the rescue and scared him off. We ended up just giving him a little bit of money and he left angrily and we went in the other direction
- There are lots of woman in the street who tried to give me henna and there was a very large needle involved...I was scared.
- Crossing the street is no easy task. Drivers think pedestrians are invisible as well and simply keep driving. We almost died many times today. Also, the light for the drivers and the light for pedestrians change at exactly the same time. So the moment the pedestrian sign changes red, is also the exact moment the drivers light turns green. More chances for death there.
- We have been living an hour behind everyone else these past 24 hours. Apparently, there is a five hour time difference with the US, not 4 hours as we had thought, and appropriately set our watches to. We only found out because at one point this evening, our watches told us it was 5pm, while a local clock said it was 6pm!! Confused.

- Tajine (photo credits: google) is very yummy! Perhaps I won't have too much trouble with food here as I thought i would! Still haven't experienced couscous Friday though...
- Tramway system. Super awesome! It's so pretty-looking, and the people are so nice. It is still in its early stages because the system started only less than a month ago! So there are lots of people working as service people, and they hand out brochures and maps. The tramway system makes my dad and I very happy.
- The Hassan II tower and the Mausoleum is very beautiful. Architecture here is generally very intricate and amazing. We got up nice and close and took lots of photos!
- La Gare de Rabit-Ville. The train station - very clean and modern. The garden is also very pretty! We will be taking the train tomorrow.

So that was today! Tomorrow, we are taking a day trip to Casablanca, and Wednesday I will begin training and orientation at the CCCL! Hopefully I'll continue to have enough internet to keep posting!

The Mausoleum 

Kasbah des Oudaya

Le Centre-ville de Rabat!

The fabulous tramway. Pretty? 

My new buddy in front of the Mausoleum
